Friday, January 02, 2009

Ah Joy is sick :(

Argh! What a time to fall sick. :(

Head throbs;
Throat hurts;
Eyes tear;
And the nose... It doesn't feel like its there.

In my case, I know its serious when I go a whole day without food and it wasn't actually bad. Hahaha.. Me is glutton. :P

Plus 8am to 6pm fridays nv fail to suck the zing out of me. A cranky handphone (who is v fond of switching itself off when calls get in, LAZY handphone! tssssk) serves to irritate me further. Sigh..

To someone I pissed off on MSN, I'm sorry. Not tt I think you wld read this but saying "wtf" is your bad and it blew my fuse. Saying I am demanding when all I did was nudge 5 times is your bad too! Hmpf! LOL!

I wanna facebook coz everyone is there and I was called outdated by the sister. Darn it! And opening foodie presents from JJ and Huiyan makes me smile. Ehhh, yes I realise I am talking nonsense. Ahahaha!

Lunch buffet tmr so Santo better recover and me too! Goo goo ga ga~


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